December 2023 Minutes

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Arnprior Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on Tuesday 5th December 2023 at Arnprior Nursery


Present:                      Iain Breakenridge (Chair), Morag Sheppard (Secretary), Sheena Adam (Treasurer), Margaret Pitkeathly, Duncan McEwen, Wendy Weir.

In Attendance:          Councillor Gerry McGarvey (Scottish Labour Party), Esther Lim (Minute Taker)

Apologies:                 None


Residents:                 1 resident was in attendance.



1.           Welcome and Apologies


The Chair welcomed the attendees to the meeting


1.1           Declaration of Interest

The Chair called for any declarations of interest.

The Chair declared an interest in respect of planning application 23\00597\FUL for the erection of a fixed canopy at the rear of Arnprior Nursery. As the owner of a neighbouring property, the Chair has already commented on this application which is to be discussed as item 3.8 of the agenda. It was agreed that another member take over the Chair for this part of the meeting.

1.2           Approval of Agenda

Members approved the Agenda (proposed by Margaret Pitkeathly, seconded by Morag Sheppard).



2.           Approval of OGM Minutes


The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 3rd October 2023 were reviewed and approved having been proposed by Wendy Weir (WW) and seconded by Margaret Pitkeathly (MP).



3.           Matters Arising


  • Cardross Bridge

No update



3.2           Walking Routes – Signposts

The craftsperson tasked with making the signposts is still unwell.


3.3           Arnprior Nursery Lighting

In response to an enquiry submitted by Morag Sheppard (MS), Stirling Council (SC) facilities department replied that they are unable to address concerns regarding the lighting as they are only carrying out emergency health and safety and compliance related works..

Iain Breakenridge explained to Councillor Gerry McGarvey (GM) residents’ concern regarding light pollution and the trip hazard caused by the shadows cast. Members suggested the lights be switched off from 9pm/10pm until morning. MS agreed to email GM detailing the concerns and suggesting what could be done. GM agreed to take this forward. [Action: Morag Sheppard

and Councillor McGarvey]


  • Roads Update

GM suggested Iain Breakenridge (IB) contact Angela McGibbon at SC to move this issue forward. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]

GM explained that he is currently discussing with the Area Commander the potential for civilian use of speed cameras. Wendy Weir expressed her frustration that the police won’t deploy speed cameras unless there is a traffic related fatality. She agreed to write to GM with her concerns and he agreed to discuss this with the Area Commander. [Action: Wendy Weir and

Councillor McGarvey]

Members noted that some potholes had been ‘quick-filled’ since the last CC meeting.

‘             3.5           Septic tank

No leakage has been observed since the last incident but members recognise that this is an ongoing problem. IB suggested lodging an enquiry. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]


3.6           Defibrillator

WW agreed to order new pads for the defibrillator. [Action: Wendy Weir]


3.7           Planning: Shelloch Wind Farm Update

No update. Iain Breakenridge noted that the bidding process, commenced in 2021, is still ongoing.

3.8           Your Stirling: You Decide / The Canopy

Due to an interest declared by the Chair (see 1.1 above), Margaret Pitkeathly took the Chair for this Agenda item.

IB has submitted a comment as a private individual whose property borders the nursery. He asks that the planners ensure their plans include a

sustainable drainage system which is accessible for future maintenance as the current plans site the canopy over the drains.


Members noted that they were not included in recent meetings regarding the Canopy. A new team leader for maintenance and compliance was appointed in January.

GM suggested ACC write to him detailing the concerns regarding the canopy and drainage and he will take this forward. [Action: Councillor McGarvey]

Morag Sheppard noted that the CC still do not have clarity regarding who will pay for the ongoing maintenance of the canopy. The CC expect to hold a meeting with Elaine Peddle of Arnprior Nursery in the new year.


3.9           Arnprior Community Storage Project

ACC do not have copies of the funders’ logos. IB will approach them to ask for these. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]

Formatted: Not Highlight


MS and IB met with representative of the Funders (the Pride Fund and the National Lottery) who were happy with the progress. IB agreed to keep them informed. IB subsequently met with Sophy Stirling and signed the lease on behalf of ACC. Assurance was given that the 10-year lease would be extended.

IB noted that he has reduced the soil level around the tree at the storage site since WW pointed out that piling the soil around the trunk could seriously damage the tree.

Members discussed options for the delivery of the storage container due to the proximity of overhead power lines. Duncan McEwen (DM) and IB agreed to visit the site together to review options. [Action: Duncan McEwen and Iain Breakenridge]


3.10         Charitable Trust Update

Morag Sheppard has had initial discussions with Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS) and been assigned a mentor to walk her through the process of ACC becoming a charitable trust. The next step is to meet with the mentor face-to-face. [Action: Morag Sheppard]


3.11         First Aid Certificates

WW confirmed this is being dealt with.


4.           Public Transport – Proposed Reduction in Service

GM reiterated the seriousness of the cuts facing Stirling Council. He confirmed no decision has yet been made regarding cuts to bus services but that cuts will have to be made to subsidised services.

Prior to the meeting IB circulated a document detailing the 3 options for proposed cuts to rural bus services and suggesting some points for ACC to raise with SC in response.

Members discussed the difficulties these cuts in services will pose for workers in rural areas travelling home in the evenings and how this could leave workers who don’t have their own transport with no option but to give up their jobs. They also discussed children would be badly impacted. Members agreed that buses are a lifeline for rural communities like Arnprior.

Members agreed with IB’s suggested response to SC and suggested the addition of a point stressing the impact on air quality compliance (a local authority target) of reducing the bus service. IB will submit the response on behalf of ACC. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]


5.           Arnprior CC Meetings: Keyholder

MS and WW explained that the process of appointing and training a keyholder on the ACC is underway. Once a keyholder from ACC is in place, the CC will become responsible for insuring any activities they undertake in the building. Members were uncertain whether the CC would need to take out extra insurance for events such as the Christmas Drinks. MS has asked for clarity on the insurance position from SB and is awaiting a response.


6.           Funding Request

Members discussed a request for funding from a local school child who is planning to undertake a volunteer experience in Africa in 2025 organised through her school. (A copy of the request was circulated prior to the meeting.) Members noted that they had supported similar requests in the past and agreed to make a contribution of £250 towards the costs of the trip. The applicant has been invited to join the Christmas

meeting on Saturday evening to talk about the trip and sell the crocheted gifts she has been making to help raise funds. IB will confirm this with the applicant. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]


7.           Planning applications

There have been 2 planning applications since the last meeting:

  1. West Corner Cottage, Arnprior
  2. Kep Cottage, Arnprior

Sheena Adam asked whether ACC should comment on these applications. WW suggested members look at the applications online for themselves to see if they have concerns.

Members noted that some local residents do not seem to be getting notification of planning applications. GM suggested the CC contact Stephen Bly asking him to reinstate this. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]


8.           Police Report

There was no police report for this meeting. WW noted that the last police report, which was received some time ago, included only an unspecified number of speeding offences. IB expressed disappointment at the lack of community police input.

GM noted that PC Graeme McNulty is moving on.


9.           Councillor’s Report

Councillor Gerry McGarvey stressed again that the budget is the pressing issue facing the Council. Councillors are all working to mitigate the impact as much as possible but there is little scope for councils to do anything beyond statutory provision.

10.        Finance Report


  • The balance on 1 account is £8,368.19
  • The balance on 2 account is £4,613.20


IB notified members that there is an outstanding debt of £90 owing to Wendy Weir from 2018-19. This was for the purchase of supplies for community events such as the Burns supper. The receipts for this debt have been lost by IB. IB asked members if they would sanction the payment of this debt without receipts. All members agreed.


11.        AOCB


  • Community Cards

Members agreed to send out Christmas cards to elderly members of the community. Margaret agreed to purchase these for the CC. [Action: Margaret Pitkeathly]

Members agreed to present flowers and a card to Helena, a previous CC member, at the drinks on Saturday to mark her retirement. Margaret agreed to organise this. [Action: Margaret Pitkeathly]

Members discussed the provision of get-well cards for various local residents. Margaret Pitkeathly agreed to purchase these. [Action: Margaret Pitkeathly]



11.2         Christmas meeting – Saturday 9th Dec

Members agreed the following arrangements for the Christmas meeting.

  • MP will purchase snack packs of nibbles and [Action Margaret Pitkeathly]
  • WW will put flyers around doors advertising the meeting and also post a notice on facebook. [Action: Wendy Weir]
  • WW will ask residents to bring their own cups and request raffle

[Action: Wendy Weir]

  • IB and WW will bring raffle [Action: Iain Breakenridge and Wendy Weir]
  • WW will make mince pies and bill costs to [Action: Wendy Weir]
  • Members will message each other if they think of anything

11.3         Eco-Grants

IB circulated an email from SB with details of an Eco-Grant the ACC could apply for. WW suggested applying for a grant for the planting of wild flowers and members discussed various area where these could potentially be planted such as the edge of the park, verges, around the benches and around the bus stop. Members also discussed a community garden or bed in the park. MS reminded members that the deadline for applications is before the next CC meeting.

IB informed members that Drymen CC are getting rid of their planters and Arnprior could potentially utilise those. GM suggested contacting David Mackie, Chair of Drymen CC about this ( ) [Action: Iain Breakenridge]


11.4         Filling of Grit Bins and Salt on Mains Road

DM brought to members’ attention that grit boxes and Salt on Mains Road have not been filled this year, something that usually happens in October/November. IB suggested submitting a general enquiry about that. [Action: Iain



  1. Date of next OGM

The next OGM will take place on from 19:30 to 21:15 on Tuesday 20th February 2024. It is intended to take place at Arnprior Nursery.