In common with many other local authority areas, some of our families in Stirling experience daily struggles and are living in poverty.
We are aware that the causes and impacts of poverty are multi-faceted and that no one organisation can take on the range of challenges. We are committed to working with partners and our communities to improving the life chances, choices and opportunities of our children and young people experiencing poverty. This work is ongoing.
Our Year 6 child poverty plan aligns with the Scottish Government’s Best Start, Bright Futures: Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan. It also aligns with the three drivers of child poverty reduction, the Council’s priorities, ‘The Promise’ obligations and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We recognise that working together to prevent and mitigate the impacts of poverty and inequality will have a direct positive effect on both improving outcomes for looked after children and young people, and supporting early intervention with vulnerable families to reduce the risk of family breakdown.