Community centre

Cowane's Hospital/Guild Hall

Cowane's Hospital/Guildhall


Cowane’s is available to hire for events such as boutique weddings, meetings, musical gatherings, ceilidhs, and private functions with onsite catering facilities. Please contact or 01786 472247 for further information.

Cowane’s Hospital is a 17th Century Almshouse in the historic city of Stirling and is located in the area known as Top o’ the Town, just below Stirling Castle and opposite the Church of the Holy Rude where King James VI was crowned.

It was established in 1637 with a bequest of 40,000 merks from the estate of merchant John Cowane (also referred to as Auld Staney Breeks) and is considered by Historic Scotland to be  'a rare survival of 17th Century burgh architecture and one of the finest buildings of its kind in Scotland'.

The gardens are also seen as a 'rare survival' of an institutional garden of the 17th century, and were included in the national inventory of gardens and designed landscapes in 2012. 

In 2019 the Patrons of the Cowane's Hospital Trust embarked on a major conservation project which is now complete. Further details regarding the specialist conservation works can be found at

Located within the building is the newly restored Guild Hall which houses the free John Cowane exhibition together with artefacts of the Guildry of Stirling who continue to hold their court meetings in the historic surroundings as they have done for several centuries.

According to local myth, people say the statue above the entrance of 'Auld Staneybreeks' comes to life on Hogmanay and does a jig in the courtyard. Why not join Auld Staneybreeks and undertake the 'Cowane's Trail' or search for the 'Secrets in the Stones'? Pick up a free leaflet in the Guild Hall.

Now open, and new for 2024, the Legends at Cowane’s Hatch serves breakfast rolls, light lunches, and delicious cakes along with teas, coffees and soft drinks, all to enjoy in the historic surroundings of the Guild Hall or on the garden terrace

Entrance to the John Cowane exhibition and gardens is free and donations towards the buildings upkeep are welcomed by the charity.

For opening hours, and further information regarding Cowane's Hospital, the Cowane's Trust and event hire, please visit

The Cowane’s Hospital Trust, Registered Scottish Charity SCO19364


49 St John Street
