Beechwood Park Pavilion
Beechwood Park Pavilion

Property Details
This property is currently under offer
The building comprises of concrete block walling and floors under a concrete tile pitched roof.
The accommodation comprises changing rooms, disabled access toilets, shower rooms, boiler, office/kiosk area, a cleaner’s cupboard and store room.
Beechwood Park Pavilion
The former Sports Pavilion is located within the centre of Beechwood Park. Beechwood Park is located to the south of Stirling town centre on the edge of the town. The Park is within a short walk away less than 1 mile from the city centre.
Stirling High School, the historical Beechwood House and other residential properties are located adjacent to the park.
Beechwood Park has a children’s play park and a mini cycle/traffic track, outdoor gym, basketball court and there is a good network of paths for walking.
Stirling Police Station and Community Hospital are both also a short walk away. The attached plans show the location of the Pavilion within the overall park.
Agent Contact
Stirling Council Estates team
Phone: 07385966616