About procurement

Service Overview

Strategic Commissioning & Procurement develop and implement processes and policies for purchasing goods, services and works engaging with and managing relationships with suppliers, contracted organisations and commissioned providers. This helps the council make the best use of its money and ensures it is spent in a way that is open, transparent, compliant with legislation and helps us to achieve local outcomes and priorities. This includes enabling local businesses to access public contracts and ensuring that Stirling’s communities directly benefit from council spend e.g. through apprenticeships and job creation. This is achieved collaboratively and in line with the council's core values and aims. We measure our success by delivering effective, responsive and accessible contracts in partnership with both internal and external stakeholders to ultimately improve the quality of life within Stirling.

We have a duty to work with our suppliers/providers to deliver cost-effective services to our citizens, we must also work within European and local law using procurement processes that are open to scrutiny and deliver Best Value.


Stirling Council spends over £100m per year on infrastructure projects, goods and services. We publish a variety of indicators and data within our “Towards Commercial Excellence” Stirling Council’s Commissioning and Procurement Strategy 2021-2025 which includes measurements such as % spend with local suppliers and % spend with SME’s. We also publish an Annual Report as part of our obligations under the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 which also sets out our performance and achievements.

Continuous Improvement

We have introduced a number of eCommerce systems such as electronic purchasing, electronic invoicing, electronic tendering to deliver efficiencies for both the council and the supply chain.

We participate in the Procurement & Commercial Improvement Programme where we are externally assessed. This allows us to benchmark our own performance as well as comparing best practice with other public sector bodies, this has supported driving significant improvements in our approach to Commissioning and Procurement.

How the public/suppliers can get involved

Anyone wishing to supply Stirling Council should register as a Supplier on Public Contracts Scotland.  Registration is free and only takes a few minutes to complete. Support to access public sector opportunities is also available.

For general enquiries

email: procurement@stirling.gov.uk

phone: 01786 233384