Waste and recycling for businesses

The Waste (Scotland) Regulations place a duty of care on businesses to deal with their waste and recycling responsibly. We can help you meet your obligations.


Our services for businesses provide:

  • an efficient, economic and reliable waste service
  • support from experts in waste and recycling
  • a range of bins for your recyclables and general waste
  • trade sacks where space within your premises is limited
  • clear guidance and support on any new legislation

Use our service

We help organisations of all types and across all sectors to deal with their regular waste. This includes recyclables such as paper, glass and plastics, food waste and non-recyclable waste.

To use our service you need to open an account. There are several ways to do this:

By phone

Call us on 01786 404040

By email

Write to us at wastecommercial@stirling.gov.uk

Bins or sacks

Depending on the amount of waste you produce, and the space you have available, we’ll devise a solution that’s best for you.

Bins are available in 5 sizes and are collected on a set day or days. You’ll be charged even if you don’t present your bin for collection.

Blue sacks are suitable if you don’t have enough space for, or don’t need, a wheeled bin. Sacks also have set collection days – you pay for them in advance and use them as you need them.

All waste must be in a bin or sack provided by Stirling Council. Black bags will not be collected and may be treated as fly-tipping.

You must store all bins and sacks on your business premises or land.

Make sure you only put waste out before a collection, and bring bins back in as soon as you can.

Costs – wheeled bins

Our charges include bin rental, collection and disposal. The table shows the total charges for each bin size. VAT will only be applied to sub-contracted services.

Info Info Charge/bin Charge/bin
Bin size Bin capacity One uplift Two uplifts
120 litre 1-2 sacks £5.20 £10.40
240 litre 2-3 sacks £7.40 £14.80
360 litre 3-4 sacks £8.90 £17.80
4-8 sacks £17.80 £35.60
1,100 litre 15 sacks £28.70 £57.40

Costs – blue sacks

Sacks are sold in bundles of 50, which costs £185.00 - £3.70 per sack. This also covers the cost of collection and disposal.

To order and pay for sacks, or to find out about collection days, call us on 01786 404040.

Waste collection times

We collect waste from Tuesday and Friday.

Your business's collection time will depend on:

  • whether you're in Stirling city centre, another urban area or a rural area
  • whether you're putting out waste or recycling
  • the collection day we've assigned you

City centre waste collections

You must only put your bins out between certain times on your collection day. These are:

  • 7am to 11am
  • 5pm to 10pm (third party service only)

You should always stick to city centre waste collection times, even if you arrange for a third-party service to pick up your waste.

Waste collections in other urban areas

We'll collect your waste between 7am and 4:30pm on your collection day.

You should put your bins out for collection by 7am.

Rural waste collections

We'll collect your waste between 7am and 4:30pm on your collection day.

You should put your bins out for collection by 7am.

Recycling collections in all areas

We'll collect your recycling between 7am and 4:30pm on your collection day.

You should put your bins out for collection by 7am.

Points you should remember when putting out waste or recycling

Make sure you:

  • mark your waste or recycling with your business's name and time of collection
  • place bins as near to the edge of your business possible, whilst making sure that people can still get past
  • return all bins to your storage area as soon as possible after collection

We'll only empty bins that have been presented for collection.

We can make an extra collection if you need one, but you’ll have to pay an additional fee. To find out how this works, call us on 01786 404040.

Ordering extra bins

If you need an extra bin, you can email us at wastecommercial@stirling.gov.uk.

What commercial waste we collect

We can collect a wide range of recyclable and general business waste. Most large items and items not included in these lists can be disposed of at our Polmaise weighbridge by a licensed waste carrier.

Mixed paper and cardboard

Recyclable items

As part of a recycling uplift, we can collect:

  • office paper
  • flattened cardboard
  • paperback books
  • newspapers and magazines
  • telephone directories
  • cereal boxes
  • envelopes, except padded envelopes

General waste

As part of a general waste uplift, we can collect:

  • paper and cardboard with food or oil stains
  • tissues, tissue paper or kitchen towels
  • wet paper or card


Recyclable items

As part of a recycling uplift, we can collect bottles and jars made of:

  • clear glass
  • green glass
  • blue glass
  • amber glass

In all cases, glass items must be empty and clean.

General waste items

As part of a general waste uplift, we can collect:

  • broken glass
  • window panes
  • perfume bottles
  • mirrors
  • drinking glasses
  • light bulbs

Mixed plastic, cans and cartons

Recyclable items

As part of a recycling uplift, we can collect:

  • plastic drinks and cleaning product bottles made from PET and HDPE
  • plastic lids
  • plastic food containers
  • food and drink tins and cans
  • aerosol cans
  • food and drink cartons, such as Tetra Pak

All food and drink containers must be empty and clean.

General waste items

As part of a general waste uplift, we can collect:

  • cling film and cellophane
  • plastic carrier bags
  • polystyrene and Styrofoam
  • plastic furniture
  • plastic toys
  • plastic packaging, including crisp and biscuit packets

Food waste

Recyclable items

As part of a recycling uplift, we can collect:

  • all cooked and uncooked food waste
  • tea bags and coffee grounds
  • dairy and eggs, including shells
  • bread, cakes and pastries
  • meat, fish and bones
  • fruit and vegetables

You can put recyclable food waste directly into your food bin. You do not need to use a bag or liner.

General waste items

As part of a general waste uplift, we can collect:

  • food in packaging
  • unrisen dough
  • disposable plates, bowls or cutlery

Services for licensed waste carriers

Our Polmaise Waste Transfer Station is designed for commercial waste carriers and accepts recyclable and non-recyclable waste. Access to this service is for registered account holders only between 7am and 4pm (last entry).

To set up an account, you'll need:

  • your business details
  • a copy of your waste management licence - issued by SEPA or the Environment Agency
  • details of the types of waste you need to dispose of

You can apply for an account by using the online application. 

Weighbridge costs

Waste type Cost per tonne
Non-recyclable waste £167.30


Mattresses £167.30
Paper and cardboard recycling £45.80
Wood and timber recycling £36.10
Garden waste recycling £63.10
Sweeper and gully waste £74.70
Plastic, cans and cartons £46.80
Rubble and soil £51.00
Glass bottles and jars £6.70

Waste legislation

The Environmental Protection Act 1990 places a duty of care on all businesses and organisations in the way they store, present and dispose of commercial waste.

You can read about your obligations in the Scottish Government's guidance document and the Netregs website. Failure to meet your duty of care can result in a fine of up to £10,000.

Commercial waste carriers

If your business transports commercial, industrial, or household waste - including waste from a house, shop, office, factory or any other trade or business premises - you must register with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

Registration with SEPA covers you for transporting waste between England, Wales and Scotland.

Using a commercial waste carrier

Make sure your waste carrier is licensed and supplies a waste transfer note. This is a document that outlines:

  • the type of waste you dispose of
  • the storage method
  • the frequency of uplifts

You must keep this waste transfer note for at least 2 years. You may be asked to produce it as proof of responsible waste disposal.

Need support?

If you’re unsure about your compliance with waste regulations or your responsibilities, get in touch with our Commercial Waste Team.

Email: wastecommercial@stirling.gov.uk 

Call:01786 404040.
