New waste schedule
New waste schedule for domestic collections
Why are Stirling Council making the changes to waste collections?
Following a review of the current service, Stirling Council have identified changes in our service delivery, to improve performance, efficiency, resilience and cost.
When will the new waste service begin?
The new service will begin week commencing the 3 March 2025. Your old 2024/25 collection calendars will be in use until Saturday 1 March 2025. From Tuesday 4 March 2025, only the new calendars will be used. There will be no collections on Monday 3 March.
How will this change affect me?
Your collection day for your bin may change but there is no change to your collection frequency. Every household will receive written confirmation of their day change, as well as their new calendars, in the post.
Calendars will be supplied as a one off to help residents transition to the new collection day. Future collection information, including temporary changes such as festive collections, can be found using the bin collection dates search tool.
Was there a public consultation on these changes?
The review of the service delivery was based on feedback from a previous resident survey. The day change has been implemented with a view to improving service delivery.
Why are there two calendars in my letter?
One is for the collection of your waste and recycling, the other is for your brown bin collection. Stirling Council decided to split the collections over two calendars due to the different frequencies to ensure the calendars are easy to understand.
Will this affect my assisted collection?
If you are registered for assisted collections, you will still receive the service.
I have a healthcare waste collection; will my collections change?
You will still receive a 2-weekly collection of healthcare waste bins. We will send you a letter explaining when your new healthcare waste collections will take place. This will be separate to your letter containing your new collection calendars.
Are you changing the collection frequencies?
There will be no changes to the collection frequencies for waste and recycling.
Why am I having to wait longer for my recycling bins to get collected?
Initially, as we transition to the new collection model you may have to wait longer for your recycling materials to be collected. This allows Stirling Council to prioritise the collection of grey bins to ensuring households do not wait longer than 28 days.
I have to wait longer than usual for my brown bin collection. Will the council return for this?
Yes. One-off additional collections have been scheduled for those who would wait longer than usual for a brown bin collection. If you are one of these households, we will contact you separately, providing additional details.
I have to wait longer than usual for my grey bin collection. Will you return for this?
Yes. One-off additional collections have been scheduled for those who would wait longer than usual for a grey bin collection. If you are one of these households, we will contact you separately, providing additional details.
What are my new collection days?
To check your new collection day(s), refer to the calendars enclosed within the letter we have posted. You can also check your new collections day(s) using the bin collection dates search tool.
Will my bins still be collected at the weekend?
If your bins currently get collected on a Saturday or Sunday your collection day will change. Information for your household will be available in your letter and online. We will no longer collect waste or recycling at weekends.
What do i do with my excess waste/recycling?
Excess waste from your blue bin, green bin and glass box can be stored until your next collection. Alternatively, excess waste and recycling can be taken to your nearest household waste recycling centre. For more information about these facilities click on the link below.
I did not receive my calendar/letter
If you haven’t received your letter with the calendars by Monday 10 February, you can request an email copy. Just use the contact form below:
If you have further questions relating to healthcare bins or one-off additional collection letters, email us at
I live in the city centre, will my collection change?
Collection arrangements for households using bins in the city centre will remain the same. Households will still receive written confirmation of these arrangements or can be found using the bin collection dates search tool.
I use purple sacks, how does the change affect me?
Your collection day and time will change. You will receive this information in a letter to your household. Purple sacks will now be collected on Tuesdays and Fridays. Your purple sack should be put on the kerbside by 7am on the day of collection.
Purple sack collections now take place in the morning. If you put it out on the kerbside after 7am, you risk your purple sack not being collected and you should remove it from the kerbside until your next scheduled collection day.
I use industrial communal bins, how will the change affect me?
Your collection frequency will remain the same and crews will continue your current collection arrangement.
I am a business, how will the change impact me?
Information relating to businesses addresses can be found below.
I have a scheduled collection on Sunday 2 March, why has it been moved?
Stirling Council have moved scheduled bin collections on Sunday 2 March, to ensure that the transition to the new collection days runs as smoothly as possible.
If you have a scheduled waste collection on Sunday 2 March, we will send you a letter with your temporary alternative collection day.
Will this service change result in job losses?
The upcoming changes will not lead to any job losses. Instead, we will achieve efficiencies by transforming our work processes, ensuring that the number of jobs within the service remains unchanged.